HO 2655 Desk Jet I moved and I’m having issues with restoring the printer


I have an HO 2655 Desk Jet I moved and I’m having issues with restoring the printer? printer isnt beuing recognized i deleted an re-intstalled nothing

venmartin Changed status to publish August 13, 2018
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Gillian Wayne (anonymous) 0 Comments

If you have a previously saved wifi network saved on the printer, I suggest you to first reset the wifi network setting from the printer,
press the menu button on the printer control panel then select All settings
scroll down to Network then press OK
scroll down to Network Reset then press OK
Press 1 to confirm yes. Then press 1 again to reboot the printer.
Once completed the printer will ask to Setup WIFI.
Tap on the name of the network, and tap OK.
If the list does not display the network name, tap Enter New Network Name, and then follow the on-screen instructions to enter the network name and the network password, and then tap Done.
A summary screen displays tap OK to return to the home screen.
After the settings have been applied, a connection OK report will print out automatically implying that the printer  is connected to wifi
Now Download and install the printer driver to your computer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the software installation.

venmartin Changed status to publish August 1, 2018
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