After factory reset, my computer cannot find HP LaserJet Pro M1217nfw printer


Had to factory restore my computer. Now I can’t get my wireless printer to connect I reset the defaults on the printer thinking that might help, but now the printer won’t connect to the network HP LaserJet Pro M1217nfw

venmartin Answered question April 6, 2020
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Hello Charles Cordell, You can solve your problem. Don’t Panic!! Just follow the below link :-

venmartin Answered question April 6, 2020
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lockstock32 (anonymous) 0 Comments

When you perform a factory reset, all the softwares and applications that are installed in the computer are deleted. With no printer drivers installed in the computer, that is the reason why the computer is not able to detect the printer. You can click on this link to download the full featured printer driver for your printer to download and install it back to your computer  . install the drivers to your drivers and connect the usb cable only when prompt. After the installation is complete, restart both the printer and the computer and try to connect

venmartin Changed status to publish June 26, 2018
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