Help ! first time installing the instant ink HP 4630


I have HP instant ink and it will not let me print. I do not know what a claim code is or how to get it to get my printer to work. Today is my first time installing the instant ink and it has been nothing but a problem HP 4630

venmartin Changed status to publish August 13, 2018
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Depending on where the error message displays, press OK on the printer control panel, or click OK on the computer.
The printer attempts to connect.
If a No Wireless or Connection Error message displays on the computer/printer, Open and run the HP Print and Scan Doctor to check for network connection issue.
Once your printer is connected to the Internet, go to to sign in to your HP Instant Ink account
At the top of the Status area on your HP Instant Ink account page, click the refresh icon . Look for a green checkmark and Online to make sure your printer is connected to the HP Instant Ink service.
If the printer is connected to the Internet, but the printer status on your Instant Ink account page continues to display Offline after clicking the refresh icon , wait and try again later.
If you try again later, and the printer status is still Offline, contact HP Support.

venmartin Changed status to publish August 8, 2018
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