How To Clean Up Your Computer


My computer is running slow. Its transferring a 1Mb file within 3 minutes From one drive to another drive. If i move a file from external Pen-drive to drive E. its taking hours to complete. Finally I want to clean up my computer. Can anyone suggests me here with step by step solution. because i am not from technical background.

Paxton Answered question September 3, 2018
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Jeffrey (anonymous) 0 Comments

Hey Paxton, the problem that you are facing either looks like the computer has some virus or there is an issue with the operating system. However. I shall provide you with the steps on how to clean up your computer and improving your computer performance but if you are still facing with the same issue I would recommend you to perform a complete antivirus scan or reinstalling of the OS or contact the technical support for help.

Please perform each and every step on how to clean up your computer.

Step 1 cleaning up the hard disk in Windows 10

Use the Windows 10 has a built-in utility tool, this tool helps you to clean up your computer. Click on the Windows menu and go to Settings > Click on the System > click on the option Storage. And on the Storage Sense page, move the toggle button from off to on which you will find on the top of the screen. This will allow Windows to automatically delete temporary files, junk files, delete download files which have not been used in over some months and continuously monitor to clean up your computer.


Step 2 – Disable Windows animation, background shadows, and visual effects.

If you are using an older computer with lesser memory, they can affect the performance of the computer. To disable them, in the windows search bar type in sysdm.cpl and hit Enter. This will launch the Windows System Properties dialog box. From the set of tab options available on the top of the dialog box, click on the Advanced Tab option and click on to the settings. Performance option dialog box will appear on the screen and select Adjust For Best Performance hit on Apply and click OK afterward.


Step 3 Open the Windows troubleshooter and run the maintenance check.

This troubleshooter will scan your computer for any performance issue and automatically resolve it. To launch the Windows TroubleShooter, right click on the Windows icon and open Control Panel > select System and Security from the list > click on System and Maintenance > Click on the Troubleshooting option and a window will pop up with a screen title “ troubleshoot and help prevent computer problem problems” and click on Next to begin the maintenance task.


Step 4 Open the Performance Monitor and get a full performance report about your computer.

In the Windows search bar type in perfmon /report and hit Enter.(spaces between perfmon and slash mark) This will usually take a couple of minutes or maybe a little more. When it is done it will launch a Resource and Performance Monitor report. Look around if anything is causing any big issues that are causing your computer to slow down such as drivers missing or needs an update etc.


Step 5 – Shutdown and restart your computer.

Sometimes the computer just needs a complete shutdown for such kind of issue. Shutting down and restarting the computer helps most of the time.


It is always a good idea to go for a second opinion so I would also recommend you to install cleanup utility tools such as the CCleaner to speed up, optimize and clean your computer. The link provided so that you can check it out . this tool has all the options on how to clean your computer and fix registry issue. And you can also download the free tool Malwarebytes for windows. A tool to scan for malware and removes what it finds. Here is the link to Malwarebytes,

venmartin Changed status to publish September 3, 2018
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