I am Not able to receive emails in outlook. using Godaddy Email


I am using outlook 2007, and using my domain email registered on godaddy, I am able to send emails to other but I am not getting any incoming emails.

Shown Answered question September 19, 2018
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Antonio A. Goodson (anonymous) 0 Comments

Hi @Shown
I was facing the same issues I made few changes into DNS records.
You can also try changing into the DNS
A Record
Name = mail
Points to = [I.P. Address of your cpanel]
MX record
Name = @
Point to = mail.[your-domain-name.tld]

Hope this helps!

venmartin Changed status to publish September 19, 2018
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Sherry M. Woods (anonymous) 0 Comments

There can be a multiple reason behind such an issue and mostly these problems are easily sorted out if certain steps are followed. When you are looking towards troubleshooting problems in connecting to your email services then you must first check certain connection settings and ensure that the required parameters are enabled. Getting to know your POP and IMAP email server settings and related ports is a must to check for the exact issue that has interrupted the mailing system.
For checking the setting you need to go to the email setup centre and do the following changes:

  • For IMAP accounts you must change the setting to:
    • Full email address : email id
    • Password: mail password
    • Incoming email server name: incoming mail server
    • Outgoing (SMTP) email server name: outgoing email server
    • Incoming port:
      • Without SSL- 143
      • With SSL- 993
    • Outgoing port:
      • Without SSL: 25,80 or 3535
      • With SSL : 465
    • Outgoing server requires authentication: enabled
  • For POP accounts settings required are:
    • Full email address : email id
    • Password: mail password
    • Incoming email server name: incoming mail server
    • Outgoing (SMTP) email server name: outgoing email server
    • Incoming port:
      • Without SSL- 110
      • With SSL- 995
    • Outgoing port:
      • Without SSL: 25,80 or 3535
      • With SSL : 465
    • Outgoing server requires authentication: enabled Hope this helps.
venmartin Changed status to publish September 19, 2018
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