My HP Envy 4500 is not printing at all, all print jobs get stuck in the que


My HP Envy 4500 is not printing at all, all print jobs get stuck in the que, even after I clear them out an go through troubleshooting steps, re-install drivers still nothing. It says its connected to wifi and the signal is excellent, ive tried wireless and usb and still nothing. 🙁

venmartin Changed status to publish August 13, 2018
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Heloisa (anonymous) 0 Comments

Stop and restart the printer spooler service. i had a similar jobs getting stuck in the queue and my office technician stopped and restarted the spooler services and it started working again.
in windows search, type services.msc, hit enter. search for printer spooler and right click to stop and start the service. it was recommended to restart the printer and computer after that. hope my little knowledge helped you lol.

venmartin Changed status to publish July 13, 2018
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