my printer is no working Canon PIXMA MX492 Printer


my printer is no working Canon PIXMA MX492 Printer

venmartin Changed status to publish August 13, 2018
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PeekBo (anonymous) 0 Comments

The troubleshooting steps would be much easier if you could have provided the exact problem that you are facing with the printer such as an error code or message. As you have mentioned that the printer is just not working so lets start by first checking the networking settings. Turn on the printer and load a sheet of paper into the tray. Press and hold the Resume/Cancel  button until the alarm lamp flashes 15 times and then release the button (make sure you do not let it flash 17 times as this with restore your printer network settings to factory default settings). The network information page will be printed after that. If the print indicates active and shows the name of your wireless network on the printed page then it is connected, if not then connect the printer to the wireless network. Install the software of the printer by inserting the CD that came with the printer to the computer and run the set-up. Follow the onscreen instruction to complete the set-up

venmartin Changed status to publish August 8, 2018
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