Methods for HubSpot QuickBooks Integration for Desktop and Online Users

To enable business owners to use the HubSpot CRM and QuickBooks together, their integration has been made available. On the basis of this integration’s features, the users can expect a fast sales cycle. In addition, data accuracy and other such features are also provided. For knowing more features, HubSpot QuickBooks integration should be done. This integration can be done via HubSpot. You can install the QuickBooks app in it and enable synchronization. Also, by using various applications and platforms, QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop can be integrated with HubSpot. 

To brief you more about the same, we have written this blog. You can read it till the end to come across the meaning, features, integration methods, and benefits of QB and HubSpot in one place.

In order to tell you about the contents of our post, we have added a summary here. This summary covers the aspects related to the integration of the HubSpot CRM with QB.

What is the Meaning of HubSpot and QuickBooks Integration?

HubSpot and QuickBooks are important platforms for business owners. To help many owners work on them at the same time, their integration has been done. Thus, the integration of QuickBooks with HubSpot means that you can get access to space where this CRM and software can be synchronized.

HubSpot’s integration with QuickBooks comprises features that let you delegate your tasks. For the owners of small businesses, this integration enables them to perform multiple tasks without accessing different platforms for all of them.

Main Features of QuickBooks’ integration with HubSpot

As you read ahead, you will come across the 4 main features of HubSpot QuickBooks integration:

1. Accuracy of Your Data

It is interesting to know that you are able to centralize your data by integrating QB and HubSpot. This data is devoid of human errors. Thus, any conflicts resulting due to affected data are not likely to take place.

2. Faster Sales Cycles

This integration enables you access to all your data in one place. As an outcome of this, you can quickly sync your payments. These payments include the ones that you have allocated, made, and received. The syncing process takes very little time to speed up the sales cycle.

3. Quick Approval Process

When you have synced HubSpot with QuickBooks during their integration, the approval process can be done with more speed. This synchronization enables several other features that allow faster approvals from your customers.

Note: The feature that speeds up the approval process is more likely to be accessed when you have integrated HubSpot with QuickBooks Online Advanced.

4. Simple Interface for Users

At the time of integrating the two platforms, the users may expect complexities once the process is complete. However, Intuit and HubSpot have made sure that the users are able to access a simple interface. The interface has been provided with various icons that can be easily located. Thus, you do not have to experience any difficulties with respect to the interface.

How to Execute HubSpot QuickBooks Online Integration?

You can integrate QuickBooks Online with HubSpot via this sales platform’s account itself. Once you are logged in to your account, you can open Marketplace. After this, you should see App Marketplace. Select it and then look for QBO via the Search option. You can install the QuickBooks Online application in HubSpot. Post its installation, you will have to sign in to your Intuit QBO account. Then using the Connected Apps option, HubSpot and QuickBooks Online’s integration can be initiated.

Let us go through more details of this integration procedure by reading these directions:

  • Run “HubSpot”.
  • Sign in to your account.
  • View HubSpot’s navigation bar.
  • Choose “Marketplace” represented by its symbol.
  • Then tap on “App Marketplace”.

Section: “Methods to Set up..”

  • Click on the “Search” option.
  • Look for “QuickBooks Online”.
  • Then select “QuickBooks Online” from the results.

Section: “Methods to Set up..”

  • Press “Install App”.
  • You will be asked for the credentials of your “QBO” account. Provide the correct credentials.
  • Wait for the application to be installed.
  • After the installation, select “Connected Apps”.

Note: “Connected Apps” is an option that lets you add more than one account. So, if you own multiple accounts, then you can use this option to add each one of them.

  • Choose “QuickBooks Online”.
  • Tap on “Connect QuickBooks Account”.

Note: In the future, you may want to remove QuickBooks’ integration with HubSpot. You can look for the “Disconnect” option to do the same. The integration provides you with enough flexibility to connect or disconnect your HubSpot and QuickBooks accounts as per your wish.

Now that you have successfully integrated QuickBooks with HubSpot, you can prepare new invoices as well as include your present invoices. You may choose to check the workflow or create the reports. Most importantly, you can enable Contact Sync as well as Product Sync to include your crucial information in the platform.

How does HubSpot Integrate with QuickBooks Desktop?

Users can take the help of a third-party application or platform for the integration of HubSpot and QuickBooks Desktop. You will have to download the application. Any charges included in downloading it will have to be submitted. Then you can create an account on it if asked. After this, you need to authenticate your QBDT account as well as HubSpot account. Once the authentication process is complete, you can start importing your information on the application or platform.

Note: Along with QuickBooks Desktop, the following method also supports other versions of the accounting software. Therefore, you can consider using it for those versions too.

  • First, pick a third-party application or platform for integrating QBDT and HubSpot.
  • Check the version of “QuickBooks Desktop” you are using.
  • Ensure that the version of “QuickBooks Desktop” is compatible with the chosen app or platform.
  • Download the app or access the platform.
  • Pay the charges for proceeding ahead.

Note: While using a third-party application or platform for HubSpot and QuickBooks Desktop integration, you may have to pay certain charges. We will suggest that you ensure the reliability of the platform/app before paying these charges.

  • Make your account on the third-party app/platform.
  • Now, authenticate HubSpot and QuickBooks Desktop on the platform or app.
  • Provide the details required for continuing the integration.
  • After this, import your information like sales, contacts, product details, etc.

Note: There can be changes or additions in these steps. The same will depend on the application or platform that you have selected. You may be provided with instructions or prompts while you integrate QBDT and HubSpot via the third-party application/platform.

Now, the integration process will be complete. You can start using the third-party platform for using the features of the integration. 

How does HubSpot CRM and QuickBooks Integration Benefit You?

Let us look at the 5 main benefits of QuickBooks’ integration with HubSpot:

1. Saving Your Time

For every business owner, saving time can be difficult as multiple tasks need to be executed. Thankfully, with HubSpot QuickBooks integration, more tasks can be completed in less time.

2. Organize Your Operations and Tasks

You will notice that by integrating this CRM with QuickBooks, customer relationships can be synced with accounting. This enables you to organize your tasks better, with speed, and in one place. Also, for managing your sales, customers, or accounting operations, you will not have to switch between several software or platforms.

3. Managing Your Reporting Tasks

As QuickBooks and HubSpot get integrated, your customers’ and accounts’ information stays in one place. Thus, you can easily do the reporting. You may not be required to open several spreadsheets and then pick the data for reporting. 

4. Minimal Errors 

It is believed that integrating HubSpot with QB reduces the possible human errors. Also, a data breach is not likely to be seen with this benefit. As an outcome of this, your financial information will stay accurate.

5. Streamlining Communication

An unbelievable benefit of this integration is that you can easily communicate with your customers and teams. Also, your teams can conveniently share information and manage their time.

Note: You can expect more benefits of integrating the accounting software with HubSpot based on its version. Since QB is available in several versions, the benefits can be greater.

In Short

Here, we went through the integration methods for the QB accounting software and HubSpot. While these methods are mainly for integrating QBO and QuickBooks Desktop with the sales platform, you can also employ them for other QB versions. As you saw, this integration results in various features and benefits. As an outcome of the same, you are able to operate your business sales and accounting tasks with speed. 

What are your views on our post on HubSpot and QuickBooks integration? It will be a pleasure to know them. You can add your views below.

We have also mastered the methods for Shopify QuickBooks integration and SalesForce QuickBooks integration. If you are a user of these platforms, then do see our methods.

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