What is a Payroll Report in QuickBooks and How do I Run it?

The QuickBooks payroll reports are helpful in checking a month’s pays. In addition to that, this feature of the QuickBooks software enables you to check the pays of half a year, as well as a complete year, made to the government for the pay tax. In the payroll summary report of QuickBooks, only the paycheck is used for drawing the dates. You should also know that the payroll summary report systematically analyses the payments which have been made to the employees. In case you wish to release a report for a certain period or for any period in the chronology, that too can be done.

The 9 topics talked about in this post have been mentioned here.

What is a Payroll Report on QuickBooks?

The payroll summary report on QuickBooks gives you a fast way of checking the total of the payroll by the employees for a certain time period. In the payroll reports of QuickBooks, the Gross Pay is inclusive of the bonuses and commissions. You may also benefit from knowing that every time you deduct the deductions of the pre-tax, that amount will be referred to as the Adjusted Gross Pay. The Net Pay will be the amount which is received by an employee after the taxes as well as the adjustments made after the tax.  Also learn how to create 1099 tax forms in QuickBooks

The payroll summary report includes crucial pieces of information such as the employee vacation and his/her sick time, taxes, taxes and contributions, the net pay of the employees, tax adjustments and the wages of the employees, etc. 

How to Make a Payroll Summary Report in QuickBooks?

Moving further, we shall now read about the method to create a payroll summary report in QB. Visit the Reports section at first. Then choose Employees & Payroll. Now, you need to pick the Payroll Summary. After setting a date range, you can hit refresh. Then you can remove the Hours as well as Rate columns. Furthermore, you can choose the option to customize the report. 

Let us now head on to read the other steps to finish making the payroll summary report. 

1. In the option of “Reports”, click on “Employees & Payroll”.

2. Now, select “Payroll Summary”.

3. A date range needs to be set now.

4. Press the option to “Refresh”.

5. Next, the “Hours” and “Rate” columns need to be removed.

6. Choose the “Customize Report” option.

7. In the tab titled “Display”, you can format the “Rate” and “Hours” checkboxes.

8. Then press “Ok”.

9. Go to the “Filters” tab. 

10. Go ahead with the addition of the “Pay Periods”.

11. Click on “Print”.

12. Then select “Report”. This will enable you to get the payroll summary printed.

That will be the last step to finish making the QuickBooks payroll summary report.

How to Run Payroll in QuickBooks Online?

This section focuses on how to run a payroll report in QuickBooks Online. You can first run to the Employees tab and tap on Run Payroll. For processing payroll, you can pick a location. Then you can input the Attendance information and hit the Next button. Moving forward, you have to click on the plus sign for filling in Loss of Pay, accompanied by typing the attendance. Let’s now check out the set of steps you need to complete this process.

Please Note: Before running the payroll in QuickBooks Online, you may wish to check whether the employee creations have been updated by you. You may also want to check if there are any salary revisions to be made or any changes are to be done.

1. Go to the tab titled “Employees” on the left.

2. Select “Run Payroll” given on the top.

3. Choose the “Location”/”Locations” for which the payroll has to be processed.

Please Note: In case there is just 1 location for which the payroll needs to be processed, then it will get chosen by default. You can proceed to the other tab now.

4. For filling in the details of the “Attendance”, press “Next”.

5. Press the “+” sign for entering the “Loss of Pay” information for every employee. This will be manually done.

6. For uploading the attendance, press the “Arrow” icon.

Please Note: The details of the updated “Loss of Pay” will be considered for the calculations of the salary for a month against the standard workdays. Information of the Loss of Pay will be automatically considered in the “FROM-LMS” column if “Leave Management” has been turned on. In the “FROM-ATTENDANCE” column, the Loss of Pay can be automatically considered if “Leave Management” and Biometric Attendance have been integrated. The calculation of “Late Occurrence” can be done based on the rule configuration of biometric attendance. For the correct calculation of the salary, “Late Occurrence” will be useful.

7. For entering the “Pay Adjustment” information, press “Next”.

8. For updating the variable payments, double-tap on the employee grid for editing the current records.

9. Press the “+” sign to manually input the component-wise or employee-wise pay.

10. For uploading the bulk details of “Pay Adjustment” from the Excel sheet, press the “Arrow”

11. Choose employees for running payroll by pressing “Next”.

12. In the employee grid, click twice on an employee for viewing the details of employee pay. Then press the “Back” button for correcting/updating the additions.

13. Then press “Next” for completing the payroll.

14. Select “Download Salary Register” if you wish to use it.

15. If you would like to post the entry of a journal to QB, choose “Lock Payroll and Post JV Entry”.

16. Lastly, press “Done”.

Please Note: If the entry “Lock Payroll and Post JV” is not checked and you click on “Done”, then the payroll will be processed. However, the accounting entry will not be posted to QuickBooks. You cannot reprocess a payroll if the payroll has been unlocked after posting the journal entry. For unlocking the existing payroll, press the dropdown arrow on the “Employees” page. The dropdown arrow can be found near the “Run Payroll”. Then click on “Unlock Payroll”. This option can be selected only for the presently processed payroll. You can click on the “Month” dropdown for choosing the recent period of payroll. Untick the relevant location and press “Save”. The journal entry posted to QB will be deleted in the process. Then you can reprocess the payroll. Open “Reports” after running the payroll for generating the statutory/compliance and salary reports.

How to Run Payroll in QuickBooks for a Certain Employee?

In an instance in which you require the payroll detail report in QuickBooks for a certain employee, you can follow this method. You can first click on the option of Employees given on the Home Page. Then you can visit the Employee Center. To continue, choose the employee for which the report is required. Then select the report which is required. 

Must Read: How to Change a Vendor to An Employee in QuickBooks

1. Click on “Employees” on the Home Page. 

2. Go to the “Employee Center”.

3. Make a selection of the employee for which the payroll report is needed. You will find the option to choose the employee on the left.

4. From the corner on the upper right, choose the report which you need.

5. In the fifth step, pick the option of “Quick Report”.

6. Then select “Payroll Summary”.

7. Now, choose “Paid Time off”.

8. Next, click on “Payroll Transaction Detail”.

9. Then opt for entering the dates that are required.

Now, the payroll summary report for a certain employee will be accessible.

How to Do Payroll QuickBooks Report Editing?

Certain users may want to make changes or edits to the QuickBooks payroll report. This can be done by opening the Report section. Then fill in the period for which you need the report. Make your selection for which you need the report. That means you need to decide if the report is needed for the Employees or for the Department Totals.

1. Visit the section of “Report”. 

2. Choose a period or several periods for which the report has to be accessed. For this purpose, you can utilize the dropdown menu.

3. Now, decide whether the report is needed for the “Department Totals”, “Employees”, or for both “Department Totals” and “Employees”.

4. Then choose “Aggregates” in case you wish to add it to the report.

5. Visit the section of “Employees”.

6. Pick the employees which have to be included in the report.

7. Then press the “Remove” or “Add” button.

8. Then press “Ok” for saving the above.

9. From the section of “Columns”, select the information that has to be included in the QuickBooks payroll summary report.

10. Again press the “Remove” or “Add” button.

11. If you wish to remove the existing settings, you can tap “None”.

12. Then click on “Ok” to save. 

How can You Export the Payroll Summary Report in QuickBooks to Excel?

Many of you may be wondering whether it is possible to export the payroll report in QB to Excel. You will be happy to know that this option is available. To access this option, you can select the Report option. Then after pressing the dropdown arrow for Excel, you can choose to make a new worksheet. Then you can head on to export the report to Excel. 

1. Click on “Report”.

2. Press the dropdown arrow for “Excel”.

3. Click on “Create New Worksheet”.

4. Then select the option of “Update Existing Worksheet”.

5. Press the “Browse” button for choosing the workbook in case you are opting for “Update Existing Worksheet”.

6. Hit the button titled “Advanced”.

7. In case the checkbox of columns has space, clear it.

8. Then click on “Ok”.

9. Now, click on “Export”.

In case the above-stated steps have been correctly performed, you will be able to successfully export the payroll report to Excel.

What is the Method to Print the Payroll Summary Report in QuickBooks?

For printing a payroll report, such as the payroll tax liability report in QuickBooks, you can find the Print option in the Menu toolbar. You can examine the Print Preview. In case you wish to, you can set the paper size and page margin as per your choice. 

For doing this printing method by following the correct steps, you can read below:

1. To print an existing report, click on “Print”. You will find this option in the “Menu” toolbar.

2. On your screen, you can now go through the “Print Preview”.

3. Click on “Print” for printing the report.

4. For selecting the page setup, you can access the “Menu” toolbar and then press “Print”. Here, you can also set the margin of the page as well as the size of the paper.

How Do You Adjust the Payroll Liabilities in QuickBooks Desktop?

In this well-elaborated method for QuickBooks adjust payroll liabilities, you will find the best guidance. To initiate the adjustment of the payroll liabilities in QB Desktop, you can access the Employees menu to pick the Payroll Taxes and Liabilities. Pick the option to Adjust Payroll Liabilities. After filling in the information of the required fields, make a selection of the employees. Then go ahead with filling the information of the Tax and Liabilities fields. 

1. Open the “Employees” menu.

2. Click on “Payroll Taxes and Liabilities”.

3. Tap on “Adjust Payroll Liabilities”.

Please Note: For the affected quarter’s last paycheck, the same date can be utilized. For the present quarter, today’s date should be used. Utilize the “Effective Date”, for calculating the amounts on the “940 Form”, “941 Form”, and “Payroll Liability Balances Report”. If the adjustment is for an employee, click on “Employee Adjustment” for an item paid by the company. The “YTD” information on the employee form “W-2” will be updated. If the adjustment is for the company, click on “Company Adjustment” for removing the balance from the report “Payroll Liability Balances”.

4. Choosing the employee is the next step. 

5. Fill in the following fields of “Taxes and Liabilities”.

(i) Choose the “Item Name” that has to be adjusted.

(ii) Input the adjustment “Amount”. For increasing the amount, a positive number should be used. For decreasing the amount, a negative number should be used.

(iii) Enter the “Wage Base” if needed.

(iv) Input the “Income Subject to Tax” for the adjustment of the wage base.

(v) Input a note in the “Memo” field for reference in future.

6. Now, choose “Accounts Affected”.

7. Click on “Ok”.

8. Click on “Do Not Affect Accounts” if the balance is to be left unchanged

9. Choose the “Affect” liability, as well as expense accounts, if a certain adjusting transaction has to be entered in the expense and liability accounts.

10. Repeat the above-stated steps for any other employee, if needed. Then press “Ok”.

9. Frequently Asked Questions

Here, we have responded to some of the most commonly asked questions. If these questions match with your queries as well, then you should consider reading ahead.

1. How many payroll reports can be found in QuickBooks Pro?

The QuickBooks Pro software consists of thirteen payroll reports. These include Paid Time Off List, Liability Balances of Payroll, Payee Transactions of Payroll, Contact List of the Employee, Payroll Item Detail, Transaction Detail of Payroll, Employee State Taxes Detail, Withholding Employee, Item Listing of Payroll, Detail Review of Payroll, Employee Earnings Summary, Adjustments History of Employee Pay, and Payroll Summary.

2. What do payroll expenses mean in QuickBooks?

In QuickBooks, the company payroll expenses are inclusive of each salary that has been paid in addition to the cost of every tax paid by the company.

3. How do I run the payroll tax and wage summary report in QuickBooks?

For running the payroll tax and wage summary report in QB, you can go to “Reports”, select “Standard”, and click on “Payroll”. In the section of “Payroll”, click on “Payroll Tax and Wage Summary”. Enter the report’s name. Choose a “Date Range” via the dropdown option. For every location, run the report. You can access the dropdown of “Work Location” for this. Then press “Run Report”.

Thoughts in Closing

In this blog, we helped you understand what a payroll report is on QuickBooks. We described to you the steps for making this report in the software. You found the exact set of steps for running payroll in QuickBooks Online. Along with these, we also outlined the steps for editing, exporting, adjusting, and printing the payroll summary report. If this blog was helpful, then consider giving it a rating below. 

Here are a few more blogs for QuickBooks users. For a complete understanding of the QuickBooks inventory, go through this read right away. If you would like to add an account to QuickBooks, then we recommend reading this blog.

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