How to Resolve Com Crash in QuickBooks 2015, 2016, 2017, & 2018?

Com crash in QuickBooks is one of the errors that appears while you send transactions, emails, reports, paystubs, and invoices. The presence of this error affects the smooth business operation with QuickBooks Desktop. Moreover, QuickBooks crash com errors end up losing the QuickBooks unsaved data. Before it affects your other important data files, it is important to fix the error in time. If you are seeking help to solve QuickBooks crash com error on Windows 7 or 10, we will help you out.

This guide explains the major factors for crash com error in QuickBooks 2015, 2016, 2017, & 2018. After diagnosing the cause, you can solve the error using the following methods.

Why Do You Encounter Com Error Crash in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks Desktop is prone to errors. However, there can be certain reasons behind the crash com error in QuickBooks. Here, we are listing a few reasons based on the best knowledge.

  • Microsoft Windows components are damaged or missing.
  • Antivirus or Windows Firewall has blocked QuickBooks communication.
  • Trojan or virus may hamper QuickBooks software application.
  • QuickBooks components have been corrupted.
  • Malicious programs mistakenly removed the important files related to the QuickBooks.
  • When QuickBooks is unable to communicate with the email service, it pop-up an error stating com crash in QuickBooks.

Such factors could be the main reasons you are viewing crash com error in QuickBooks 2016, 2017, 2015, and 2018 versions. However, you can troubleshoot the error easily.

When Do You See Com Crash in QuickBooks?

There can be certain moments when you encounter a crash com error in QuickBooks 2017 or other versions. Let’s know in which situation you can confront such errors.

  • When you open invoices.
  • While saving a specific detail in QuickBooks.
  • You may confront errors while you attach the document in QuickBooks.
  • When you email invoices to your customer or clients.
  • Users can face issues when opening the report in QuickBooks.
  • When you open the check register, a com crash in QuickBooks may hamper the screen.

Fix QuickBooks Crash Com Error on Windows 7 or 10

To fix the QuickBooks crash com error, one has to configure Outlook email settings, repair QuickBooks and Windows computers. For instance, you need to set Outlook as the default service, toggle email settings, and connect email accounts to Outlook. If required, you can make a new profile for Outlook.

In addition, you can repair Windows updates, MS office, and create a new admin user. For repairing QuickBooks, you can update the software or check the company files. These methods will surely help you to solve the error.

For your convenience, we are writing each method with a step by step instructions:

Fix 1: Set MS Outlook as Your Default Email Service

Primarily Microsoft Outlook is used to send emails. However, users can use other kinds of email services as well. However, by setting Outlook as your default mail app, you can get rid of crash com error in QuickBooks 2018 and other versions.

To set Outlook as your default email service, you can perform the following steps:

  • Open the “Control Panel” from the Windows search bar.
  • Then, switch to the “Default Program” section.
  • Click on the “Set Default Program” option.
  • Here, you can choose “MS Outlook”.
  • After that, you can make it the default app and hit the “OK” button.

Once you set Outlook as the default mail app, you can refresh the QuickBooks by relaunching it. Thereafter, you can check if you encounter a com crash in QuickBooks while sending transactions, emails, reports, paystubs, and invoices.

Fix 2: Toggle the Outlook Settings

If you see a QuickBooks com error crash when sending email then you should adjust the preferences in Outlook settings. Here, you need to determine that you use the right profile in the Mail Set Up.

To toggle the Outlook settings, you can carry out the following instructions:

  • Open the “Control Panel” on your computer.
  • Then, select the “Mail” option.
  • Click on the “Microsoft Outlook” option.
  • In the “Mail Set Up” window, click on the “Show Profile” tab.
  • Here, you will see the “Always Use this Profile” option. If this option is marked then you need to select a prompt for a profile and hit the “Apply” button.
  • Now, toggle the option again to use the same profile.
  • Press the “OK” button to apply changes.

After you apply the necessary changes, you can restart the QuickBooks Desktop. Later, you can check sending emails and verify if the error still persists.

Fix 3: Connect Email Account to MS Outlook

In case you are using MS Outlook to send you emails, add an account to connect it with Outlook. All you have to do is go to the File menu, click on the Add Account, enter the email address to connect the account. Make sure you don’t forget to add the password.

Follow these steps to connect an email account to Outlook service:

  • Open “Microsoft Outlook” on your Windows computer.
  • Then, click on the “File” menu.
  • Here, choose the “Add Account” button to continue with the setup process.
  • After that, add the email address and click on the “Connect” button.
  • As you do so, Outlook starts connecting with the server settings.
  • Once done, click on the “Connect” button.
  • Thereafter, you can type the password for the provided email address.
  • After adding the details, click the “OK” button.
  • Then, select the “OK” button again to complete the account setup.

When done setting up the email account for Outlook, you can try sending emails to your customers or clients. If you are still facing a QuickBooks com crash error, move ahead to the next method.

Note: Make sure that QuickBooks programs identify the Outlook. To determine this, you can click on the Edit menu, select Preferences, click Send Forms and check if there is an Outlook option in the My Preferences tab. In case QuickBooks fails to recognize Outlook service then you need to reboot your computer. Also, repair your QuickBooks Desktop. If required, you can make a new user profile for Windows.

Fix 4: Repair Windows Update and MS Office for Run

Microsoft Office services such as Excel and Words can also be the reason for QuickBooks 2014 com error crash. If these services are not working, you need to restart the system and get both features repaired.

Here are the steps for the same:

  • Click right on the “Start” menu on a Windows computer.
  • Then, go to the “Apps and feature” menu.
  • Thereafter, choose the feature of the MS product that you wish to fix.
  • After that, click the “Modify” option.
  • At this point, either you will click on the “Run or MSI based installation” depending on the Microsoft version you are using.

Click to Run

  • If you go with click to Run then make sure things are right when repairing the MS Office programs.
  • Thereafter, click on “Online Repair”.
  • Select the “Repair” button.


  • Here, you need to modify the installation and click on the “Repair” button.
  • Then, click the “Continue” button.
  • Follow the instructions given on your screen.

Thereafter, you can finish the process and restart the Windows computer. If possible try sending a test email so that you can verify if you are facing email errors.

Fix 5: Add a New Admin User for Windows

Windows users cannot perform every task if they are not running a PC with admin rights. In this method, we suggest you create a new user with administrative rights. This may solve the QuickBooks errors.

  • Click the Windows “Start” menu.
  • Then, go to the “Control Panel”.
  • Click twice on the “User Accounts” tab.
  • Select the “Manage User Accounts” option.
  • Click the “Add”.
  • Add the name for the admin account.
  • Select the “Next” button.
  • Click on the “Administrator” button.
  • Click the “Finish” button. This will redirect you to the “User Accounts” screen,
  • You can now press the “OK” button.

Once done following these steps, you can refresh your Windows computer. Later you can check if you face a com crash in QuickBooks while sending reports, paystubs,  transactions, emails, and invoices.

Conclusive Lines

Com crash in QuickBooks is not that hard to resolve. All you have to do is configure the email settings and repair Windows components. In addition, you can update QuickBooks, check company files, update Outlook, and run QuickBooks in Compatibility Mode to resolve the error.

There can be other problems you may encounter while using QuickBooks. Check out the following troubleshooting guides that may be helpful for you:

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