Resolving QuickBooks Error 404 and Understanding its Main Causes

The error 404 on Intuit QuickBooks can be a consequence of several causes. Once you have understood the causes, your path to clearing the QuickBooks error 404 will become easier. The goal of this blog is to first educate you about the error 404 page not found on the QB software as well as its causes. Thereafter, we will be going through efficient fixes to troubleshoot this update error.

Without any further delay, let us now jump to reading the contents of this blog.

The contents of this post have been summarized as follows.

What is QuickBooks Error 404?

While using this software, the QuickBooks 404 error can be found and further usage may not be possible. When this error emerges, the software will be able to go through the updating processes. Additionally, it may not be able to sync with the server of Intuit. Several users have reported that this error emerged out of the blue while they were working on QuickBooks.

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According to the other users of QuickBooks, the error 404 pages not found was seen while installing QB. This was followed by the shutting down or starting up of Windows. Even during the installation of the Windows operating system, you can face this error on Intuit QuickBooks.

Understanding the Causes of the QuickBooks Update Error 404

You may be seeing the QuickBooks error 404 service messages due to the reasons mentioned as follows.

1. The web page which you want the access to may not have been found by the server.

2. You may be seeing this error in case the page is banned, however, the URL remains the same.

3. The program window may be frequently crashing due to an error.

4. The speed of your internet connection may not be sufficient enough to support the services of the QuickBooks software.

How to Fix QuickBooks 404 error?

Based on our research, we have come across certain efficient fixes for you. Using these fixes, troubleshooting the QuickBooks update error 404 message should be easy for you. In brief, these fixes are about checking the speed of your internet connection, adjusting the internet settings, updating as well as repairing QuickBooks, and reconfiguration of the system settings.

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Let us study in detail these fixes now.

Fix 1: Ensure Your Internet Connection is Speedy

The QuickBooks service messages update error 404 may be coming on your computer due to the slow speed of your internet. To be sure that this is the only cause of the error, you can open a URL and check what message gets displayed on it. The following steps will guide you to do this fix in the correct manner. 

1. Open “Internet Explorer” or any other browser you prefer.

2. Open any website you usually access.

3. If the URL is not opening, try refreshing the settings of the internet.

3. In case you see the message “Connect to the Internet” or “Page can’t be Displayed”, restart the wireless router.

4. Now, open the URL once again.

5. If the URL still doesn’t open, then restart your PC.

Pro Tip: It will be helpful to set “Internet Explorer” as your default browser to avoid facing internet problems.

These steps should help in ensuring that your internet connection has a good speed. On the off chance you find out that the speed is not good enough, you can connect with your internet service provider for improved services.

Fix 2: Change the Settings of Your Internet

The error 404 page not found on Intuit QuickBooks can emerge due to internet problems. You can change the internet settings. For changing these settings, you can run Internet Explorer and select the Tools option. After choosing the Internet Options, you can switch to the Security tab. You can make changes to the Trusted Sites here. The QB error 404 should get settled.

1. Click on the “Internet Explorer” to open it.

2. Tap on “Tools”.

3. Select “Internet Options”.

4. Click on the “Security” tab.

5. You will find the option of “Trusted Sites”. Select it.

6. Add the following as the trusted sites.



7. Click on “Close”.

8. Then press the “Ok” button.

9. Now, you can exit “QuickBooks”.

10. Then launch your company file.

11. Start the task that prompts the QuickBooks error 404. The error should not emerge now.

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Fix 3: Try Updating and Repairing QuickBooks on Your System

I am seeing the message that the “Error 404 QuickBooks Cannot Complete this Update. What can be done to remove this error 404 message?”

Several users of QuickBooks have reported such a problem. To fix it with ease, you can launch QuickBooks and access the Help menu. After opening the company file, you can open Run and enter a command in it. This command will help you repair the QuickBooks error.

1. Begin with launching “QuickBooks”.

2. Click on the “Help” menu in the second step.

3. Now, the company file will have to be opened.

4. Continue with the task that is resulting in the QuickBooks error 404 service messages on your system.

5. When the error 404 emerges, press the keys given below. Ensure that you press them at the same time.

“Windows” key + “R” key

6. Write the following in the “Run” dialog box.


7. The list of the programs installed on your system will be seen. Search for “QuickBooks” in the list. 

8. Right-click on “QuickBooks”. Then select the “Repair” option.

9. The repairing process may take a moment. After it is over, you have to ensure that the error 404 on QB has been resolved.

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Fix 4: Attempt the Reconfiguration of System Settings

Reconfiguration of the system settings is the next solution on our list for doing away with the QB Intuit error 404. To reconfigure, you can open QB as well as the company files. Do the task that prompts the error 404. Then after exiting QB, you can sign out of your company file. After renewing the windows, restarting your PC, and opening Internet Explorer, you can go to Tools to perform the remaining steps.

1. Initially, you need to open “QuickBooks”.

2. Opening the company files is the next step.

3. Start the process during which the QuickBooks service messages of error 404 occur.

4. Next, exit “QuickBooks”.

5. Then you need to sign out from your company file.

6. In the sixth step, Windows have to be renewed. 

7. Now, start your PC again.

8. Launch the “Internet Explorer”.

9. Access the menu of “Tools”.

10. Click on “Internet Options”.

11. The option of “Advanced” needs to be selected.

12. Look for the settings.

13. Exit every program and make sure that all the information has been saved by you.

14. Open  the Run program by tapping these keys at the same time.

“Windows” key + “R” key

15. Write the following in “Run”.


16. Click on “Ok”.

17. Tap on “General” in the screen of system configuration.

18. Click on “Startup Selection”.

19. Pick the option of “Selective Startup”.

20. Then press “Ok”.

21. Restarting your PC is the final step.

Winding up the Above 

In future, if you again experience the “error 404 QuickBooks Cannot Complete this Update” message, you can go through this post. Troubleshooting this error will become possible in much less time. From the causes to several fixes, everything has been mentioned in this post. In case you would like to leave us a reply, our comment section is available right below. Feel free to connect with us for resolving all QuickBooks errors queries. 

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