Why My QuickBooks Won’t Open or Not Start and How should I Fix it?

Sometimes, software like QuickBooks does not start when its installation has not been done in the proper way. Along with this, the system on which the software is used can also have problems. This may lead to troubles when you are opening QuickBooks. When QuickBooks won’t open, we advise the users to implement the Quick Fix My Program. It works as a tool to eliminate the causes of the troubles and assists in you successfully opening the accounting software. 

When you begin to notice problems in opening the QuickBooks software’s versions, you can stop certain processes, fix the installation issues, or simply restart your Windows 10 computer. These fixes can effectively clear the issues when QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Pro, or QuickBooks Online won’t start or load. Expectedly, you can also hope to troubleshoot such problems on year versions of the software like 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

In this blog, you are likely to find many fixes when QuickBooks won’t start. These fixes will cover different versions of the software as well. You can know about the same through the following summary:

Why won’t My QuickBooks Open?

On learning that the QuickBooks program won’t open, you can expect one of these to be its causes:

  • The company name may be too long.
  • Your system’s hard disk may have become corrupted.
  • The accounting software may not have been correctly installed.
  • The QBWUSER.INI file may be missing. It is also possible that the file may have become damaged.
  • Your computer’s OS may not have been updated.
  • QuickBooks’ version may have become outdated.

Resolving Troubles in Opening QuickBooks

Quick Fix My Program should be immediately implemented when you find that QuickBooks is not opening. This tool has been used for a long time for fixing such an issue. Assuming that the location of your QuickBooks company file is affecting the software, you can choose any other location for opening it. Then the software will get started. Sometimes, the source of the issue may lie in your system. On Windows, you can prefer to make a new admin account. You can sign in from this account and ensure that the QuickBooks not opening issue has been resolved.

Fix 1: Try to Use Quick Fix My Program

Quick Fix My Program can be looked at as a tool. This tool has been crafted for eliminating certain bugs in QB. So, when you find problems in opening QuickBooks, this tool can be of help.

To start using Quick Fix My Program, it is vital to understand that the tool is a part of QuickBooks Tool Hub. Therefore, the tool hub has to be installed. After its installation, you can run it and tap on the Program Problems option. Find the said tool here. You can now begin running it. The tool will repair the issue that was leading to the difficulties in running QuickBooks.

  • Exit the “QB” program.
  • Start downloading the “” version of “QuickBooks Tool Hub”.
  • This is followed by saving the version’s file.

Note: When “QuickBooks Tool Hub” has already been installed, you need not install it again on your system. However, checking its version and then upgrading to the latest one will be advised. You can head to either the “Home” or “About” tab of the application to find out its existing version. Accordingly, you can update it.

  • Launch the file after saving it.
  • Start installing the application.
  • Agree to QB Tool Hub’s “Terms and Conditions”.
  • Visit “Desktop” when the application gets fully installed.
  • You will notice that the icon of “QB Tool Hub” will be available. Press it two times. Instead of this, you can also use “Start Menu” to find the application and then open it from the results.
  • When the application starts to run, you have to make a selection for “Program Problems”.
  • Choose “Quick Fix My Program”.
  • Run “QB Desktop”.
  • Then launch a data file.

The problems that were earlier preventing you from opening the accounting software will now stop appearing. 

Fix 2: Open Your Company File from Another Location

Several users prefer opening their company files for working on QuickBooks. Usually, they choose a particular location to open these files. You may be doing the same. It is possible that you notice difficulties while launching QuickBooks along with the company file. Problems in the location being used for launching this file may be the reason why QuickBooks won’t open. Therefore, our team suggests that another location should be preferred for opening this file. After this, you can access the software. The difficulties in the software should stop arising when such a measure is taken. 

  • Push these keys:
    • “Windows” key + “E” key

Remember that you need to push them in one go.

  • Look for a data file. The file should have “.qbw” in the place of its extension.

Note for Readers: If you are looking for the data file on your network server, then you will be suggested to go through your network drive. The drive will be carrying the said file.

  • Now, right-tap on your “QuickBooks Company File”.
  • Press “Copy”.
  • Visit the “C: Drive”.
  • Make a folder in the drive.
  • Make sure that “QBTEST” is used as the name of this folder.
  • Open the folder that you have formed on the “C: Drive”.
  • Your company file has to be pasted in the “QBTEST” folder.
  • Start running the accounting software.
  • Push the “Ctrl” key for a while.
  • Choose whether you want to open the existing company or restore it.
  • After this, check the newly made folder.
  • Next, run your company file from the new folder.

Now that the company file is being run from a newly formed folder on your drive, opening QB along with it should not result in any troubles.

Fix 3: Access QuickBooks from New Windows Admin Account

Your admin account on Windows can develop some issues. When an activity is done using this account, you may notice a failure in doing it. The same can hold true when you attempt to open QuickBooks. As a result of the issues in the admin account, QuickBooks won’t open on your Windows computer. You may try making a new admin account and then open the software via it.

On Windows, a new admin user account can be formed from the Control Panel. Tap twice on the option of User Account and then select Manage User. Press the Add button and then provide the administrator’s name and domain. Execute the remaining directions to establish the new user account.

  • Using your existing user account, open “Control Panel”.
  • Press “User Account” twice.
  • Select “Manage User”.
  • Tap on “Add”.
  • Provide a name for the new administrator.
  • Add the new administrator’s domain.
  • Select “Ok”.
  • Next, click on “Administrator”.
  • Press the “Finish” tab.
  • In the dialog box, choose “Ok”.
  • Use your system with the new admin user account.
  • After signing in from this user account, open the accounting software.

Note for Readers: The steps given above can be used on Windows 10 computers for making a new admin account.

Fixing QuickBooks Desktop won’t Open

When you are unable to open QuickBooks Desktop, you should check whether it was correctly installed by you. Any problems in its installation can be repaired. Also, you can check whether the QBW32.exe process is running. This process can be stopped for some time and then the accounting software’s version can be started. Another fix that can be employed when the software doesn’t open is to rename the QBWUSER.ini file on your PC. You only need to make changes to the extension of this file to fix the issue.

You can learn more about what to do when QuickBooks Desktop won’t open through the following sections.

Fix 1: Stop the QBW32.exe Process

QuickBooks Desktop doesn’t start or won’t open when the QBW32.exe process is running. The process may be generating certain conflicts. Therefore, stopping it for some time will be best. Using the Taskbar of Windows, you can choose an option that states Start Task Manager. Then you can head to the Process tab. The Image Name option will be present here. Look for EXE. When you have found it, press the End Process tab. 

  • First, right-tap on “Taskbar” of Windows.
  • Click on “Start Task Manager”.
  • Visit the tab for “Process”.
  • Select “Image Name” for alphabetically arranging the processes.
  • Find “EXE” and choose it.
  • Tap on the option of “End Process”.
  • Now, you have to exit “EXE Process“.

Shortly after this, QuickBooks Desktop can be opened. You may not find any trouble in opening it.

Fix 2: Assign Another Name to QBWUSER.ini. File

The QBWUSER.ini. file has been found to be a cause of the problem in which QuickBooks Desktop doesn’t open. There is a simple measure to remove this cause. You are only required to change its name by making certain edits. Along with this file, the measure will become even more effective when the ECML file’s name has also been changed.

To change the name of the QBWUSER.ini and ECML files, you can first locate them. Then you can take the assistance of the Rename option. You have to include “.old” in the changed names and save the changes.

  • Find the folder in which the “INI” file has been kept.

Note for Readers: In a number of instances, the folder of the “INI” file could not be found. This was due to the reason that this file’s folder was hidden. On finding that the same is the case with you too, the hidden files will have to be enabled. Additionally, the hidden folders can also be enabled. After they have been enabled, you will be able to find the mentioned folder.

  • Select “QBWUSER.ini.file”.
  • Using the option of “Rename”, change the file’s name. Write “.old” at the end of the name.

Note for Readers: After this step, you can try opening the accounting software. On observing that QuickBooks Desktop does not start even now, you can continue with the next step.

  • Look for the “ECML.file“
  • Again, with the help of “Rename”, assign a different name to it.

Afterward, make another attempt to launch QuickBooks Desktop. After changing the names of both the files, you should be able to launch it.

Fix 3: Try Suppressing the Installation of QuickBooks Desktop

When the users tell us that they can’t open QuickBooks Desktop, we suggest that they try suppressing the installation of this software. We suggest the users to do so on the basis of the reliability of this measure. 

For suppressing QB Desktop’s installation, its icon has to be right-clicked on. After this, tap on the Ctrl key for some time and also choose Open. The key will have to be released only when you see a window opening. This window will mention No Company Open. Now, the installation of the accounting software will get suppressed.

  • Find the icon of “QuickBooks Desktop” on your PC.
  • On finding this icon, right-click on it.
  • Push the “Ctrl” key.
  • Then choose “Open”.
  • Keep the “Ctrl” key pressed till the time the window of “No Company Open” is seen.
  • Launch “QuickBooks Desktop”.
  • Ensure whether the accounting software is opening now.

QuickBooks Online won’t Open

Troubles in opening QuickBooks Online can be removed by checking that the software’s installation is correct. The QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool can be used for ensuring that there is no error in QBO’s installation. Then the same tool can assist you in fixing the error when it has been found. The installation-related issues in it can also be troubleshot by ending the processes of QuickBooks Online. This can be done from the Task Manager of Windows.

You can learn more about these measures from the following sections:

Fix 1: Check the Installation Problem in QuickBooks Online

Problems relating to the installation of QBO can prevent you from opening it. Its installation may either be corrupt or may have received damages. These problems can be checked using the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool. it can be run after opening QuickBooks Tool Hub. Then you can navigate to the tool hub’s tab that says Installation Issues. Search for the Install Diagnostic Tool and start running it. Then a process will be initiated by this tool. This process will help in checking the installation problems as well as repairing them. 

  • You can stop using “QBO” and exit it for some time.
  • Open “QuickBooks Tool Hub”.

Note for Readers: You can download the tool hub when it does not exist on your system. Or, you can upgrade if the version of this application is not the same as the latest one. In one of the earlier sections of this blog, we have explained in detail the procedure to download and install this application. You can move to that section to know the same.

  • Click on “Installation Issues”.
  • Choose “QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool”.
  • The tool can take a while to run and finish the process.

Note for Readers: In some cases, the process started by the QB Install Diagnostic Tool can take up to 20 minutes to completely get over.

  • Start your computer again after this process is over.
  • Open “QuickBooks Online”.
  • Access your data file via QBO.

You will notice that the software is opening without any problems. Also, you should face no difficulties in accessing your data file. In the future, if you find that QuickBooks Online won’t open again, you can implement the Install Diagnostic Tool in the same way as described here.

Fix 2: Repair the Installation of QBO by Ending its Processes

When you sense trouble in opening QuickBooks Online, you may try to find whether the installation of the software has been incorrectly initiated. When you are sure that this is the reason behind the trouble, the installation should be repaired. 

To start repairing QBO’s installation, you can visit the Task Manager. Here, enter the tab for Processes and opt for QuickBooks Processes by right-clicking on it. Following this, a process needs to be picked for ending it. When you have confirmed your action, that process will be finished. Thus, the installation of the software will begin to get repaired. 

  • To begin, these 3 keys have to be pressed in one go:
    • “Ctrl” key + “Alt” key + “Del“ key
  • Navigate to the option that states “Task Manager”.
  • Find the “Process” tab and right-click on it.
  • You will find “QuickBooks Processes” in the tab. Right-tap on any one of them.
  • Press “End Process“.
  • When a confirmation for the same appears, you have to pick “End All Processes”.
  • Now, open “QuickBooks Online”.
  • Locate the option of “Repair QuickBooks”. Use this option to repair the installation of the software.

Followed by repairing the software, you will have to open it one more time. This time, you need to check whether QBO is getting opened without any trouble.

Troubleshooting QuickBooks won’t Open After Windows 10 Update

A compatibility-related error may be the reason why QuickBooks won’t open in Windows 10 after updates. Thankfully, this can be repaired within minutes. Soon after this, you will be able to open the software on this version of Windows. To repair the compatibility error, you can find QB’s shortcut and right-click on its icon. You can open the Properties to find the Compatibility tab. Pick the version of Windows and then apply the changes. Now that the compatibility problem will have been fixed, QB will get opened.

  • Locate the shortcut of “QuickBooks”.
  • Right-tap on this shortcut and prefer selecting “Properties”.
  • Visit the “Compatibility” tab.
  • Choose the version of “Windows”.
  • Press “Apply”.
  • Now, tap on the “Ok” option.
  • Afterward, you can run “QuickBooks” on Windows 10.

Fixing QuickBooks 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, or 2019 won’t Open

When the installation of software like QuickBooks has not been done in the right manner, problems in running it can be experienced. Also, the installation of year versions of the software being faulty, you will find that QB 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, or QuickBooks 2007 won’t open. In such a situation, a clean installation of the software will be greatly recommended. As a part of this process, the software will be uninstalled. Some time later, you can install it again. On opening it now, the year version of QuickBooks will start as usual.

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Pro 2010/2013/2014/2015/2016 won’t Open

On observing that versions like QuickBooks Pro 2013 won’t open, restarting your Windows PC will be the quickest way to get rid of the problem. For the same problem being faced with other year versions of QB Pro such as 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015, and 2016 too, this fix can be applied. As you properly shut down and restart the PC, certain minor errors that may be restricting you from opening the software will be removed. After this, when you open QuickBooks Pro, you should find success in starting it.

  • Run Windows’ “Start Menu”.
  • Press the symbol of “Power”.
  • Pick the option of “Restart”.
  • Let your Windows computer turn off and start on its own.
  • Now, try starting the QuickBooks program.

Most likely, the problem of QuickBooks Pro 2015 or QuickBooks Pro 2014 won’t open will get troubleshot.

Thoughts in Closing

QuickBooks may not open in some instances and this issue is not uncommon. Usually, when its installation becomes corrupted, the users may find trouble in starting QuickBooks. The same can be applied to the versions of the software like QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Pro, and other year versions. In the end, we will advise you to always see to it that when the software is installed, no interruptions are made that can damage the installation. Along with this, you will also be suggested to keep checking that the operating system of your computer stays updated and works devoid of any errors.

Certain factors can cause the QuickBooks Database Manager to unusually behave. This can lead to the error message “QBDBMgrN Not Running on this Computer“. Those of you who like to know how this error, as well as the message, can be fixed should prefer reading this blog.

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